Oh my that was CUTE!
That is definitely something I can show the kids. Finally something with a good racial message that tells themthe right thing. It was a little bit too graphic though, you may want to bump that rating up to teen. The kids definitely liked it, it surely showed them the harsh reality or being a "monkey." Well thought out but again the kids, it all about the kids and you know there whats really important to me so I surely don't won't them to get upset about anything, do you understand? So maybe these undertones should be toned a little bit, maybe put this off to the side and keep to yourself. It actually was a good idea to release it because my kids wouldn't have been able to see and be traumatized by it. They gotta learn the facts to life, this should be in the parenting booklet. This just goes to show we really all are equal even the "apes." I mean it was cute but is this what you do with your time? Scare kids like that? Hey, whatever you get off on am I right? ;) Godspeed, God Bless, and farewell?