greasy elbows
brilliant use of Asians. Santastic fucking job. Front page material.
greasy elbows
brilliant use of Asians. Santastic fucking job. Front page material.
Thank you!
how do you honestly feel
about this cartoon? What do you think you accomplished? In what ways are viewers supposed to enjoy this? I'm just full of questions today aren't I !? Silly me
and Very Silly You!
Take it easy man - it's just an animation! Why so serious? ^_^
cute as a button
It was good and all, but do you really think it was necessary to have a large flacid in plane view without any warning? I had my kids watching it with me, on my lap, and now I'm gonna have to explain that to them. I hate talking to my kids. Im gonna come back later and watch it though, you know, by myself... ;)
it's a great idea: but what are you talking about?
I like it
I thought this was a pretty sweet movie. It reminds me a lot of what my brother and I go through while making our movies. Oh and I think "Scyron's" comment about the schools was meant to go to our movie and not this one. But good job guys.
Thank you for the review, and thank you for clearing up Scyron's comment.
This wasn't good nor entertaining
This really doesn't take any skill to do. You simply distorted pictures and used some motion tweens. This really wasn't funny either. Maybe next time draw your own characters, animate them, and make a real flash movie. I understand that this is an "animutation" and thats the point, is to have moving pictures, but this sucks, Champ.
Iiiiiiiiiii ammmmmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa baannnnnnnaaaaaannnnnnnnaaaaa aaaa...
Some people just have different senses of humor that can handle stuff like this...but I've seen worse animutations than this (go scream on "Dan Hibiki's Majik Sammich" instead if you want)
The Cigarettes Touch Me Inappropriately
Just let the smokers be. Nobody wants to see a flash about how terrible those cigarettes are. They already have those annoying anti-smoking commercials on the television and there is no need to bring on to the internet. Yes, cigarettes are bad, they may give you the evil lung cancer after 50 years of smoking them. The majority of people on this website don't care.
dude im sorry if the message behind this flash makes you uncomftable and 'those annoying anti-smoking commercials' is opinonated, i honestly think they are good.
and i dont care if majority of people on this website dont care, if they dont care then they would just not watch this sumbission or take it for what it is. Dude you gave me a 3 mainly becuase of the subject i based my flash on which is true.
So what your saying is we should just take down all the dont smoke advertisments and posters just because they are annoying? Some people dont know that smoking is bad and these works will help to realize that it is.
i just think that you gave me a bad score for the wrong reason
not bad
This really wasn't bad at all. I like your type of humor because it's not the same as everyone elses. A few things I'd reccomend is to fix up your sound and voice acting. All the characters sounded like the same person, try to get more range or get some friends over with funny voices to do some of them ( I did this on my cartoons). So record it at a better quality and louder, without good sound some movies are just dull, and that's what happened here. You could make some good movies in the future.
Originally it was supposed to be Harold from my other cartoons who was doing the voices... hence they sound alot like him... I could have done them differently but I chose to keep them as I oroginally had... but now I see that was a dumb decision. thanks.
Fine plastic rolls and Hut dogs
Joined on 2/8/06